Motherhood: Answering the Call

Ever since I was a little girl, I always knew I wanted to be a mother. Every time my cousins and I would play “house”, I would ensure that I had a son, daughter, & maybe a third surprise along the way. Every time we played “Life”, I made sure to have a pink and blue figurine in the back of my vehicle. Even at a young age, I knew I wanted my “job” to be to help children.

Funny how a calling on my life was apparent even as a little girl. I “help children” in many ways today. All by God’s grace & glory, of course. He created the call before He even formed me in my mother’s womb. I did not know when or how I would have children. I just knew I would mother many of them. Even though many women in my family have suffered through infertility & endometriosis, I knew that one day.. I would be a mother.

I became inspired to write just minutes ago as I watched one of my pastor’s sons lead a worship team. I look at the two sweet boys I have now and immediately think “I don’t have long.” Their sweet faces will one day not need me as they do now. One day soon, they will be men. What I do and what I teach between now and then will affect them greatly.

My biggest desire in this motherhood journey is to lead all of my children, no matter how long they stay in our home, to Jesus. I want my children to be God-fearing and Kingdom building. I want the enemy of our souls to quiver at the sound of their feet. The feet that now run up and down the hallways with toy trucks will one day run darkness away to where it once came. I want my children to not only hear about God. I want them to know Him.

In order to raise our children to become God-fearing men & women of God, we must do a few things:


1.)    We must be God-fearing, ourselves.

Yes, Bible stories are important. Our babies need to learn about Noah & Jonah & David. But if they do not know what it means to have a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus… what will they do with the Bible stories? Our babies need to know that God is FOR them. & they will learn that as they model the walk in Christ they see through their parents. Allow them to see Christ in you.


2.)    We need to be a part of a spirited-filled church.

Online church is great but your babies need to be in church. There is a palpable presence when believers assemble together in worship. Our children need to be in the midst of that presence.


3.)    We need a village.

This is not always necessary. You can do this without one. But it certainly makes things easier and more enjoyable along the way! I thank God for our village! Our pastors, children’s ministry teachers, God-momma’s, friends who will stop what they are doing at the drop of a hat for you & your family. It can be done alone but you don’t want it to.



I briefly spoke about the Proverbs 31 woman this morning & how I could never really identify with her until I did a Bible study. I am more of a “Simon Peter”, myself. I am passionate & stubborn. I say dumb things at the wrong time and can sometimes be quick to respond to emotion (especially about my kids). I never thought of myself as Proverbs 31.


Then I learned the Hebrew translation of “Virtuous”.


“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.”

Proverbs 31:10 NIV


Other translations say, “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” – KJV


“A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman—who is he who can find her?”- AMPC


Virtuous translated into Hebrew is “Chayil”. Chayil is used in the Bible many, many times. Often to describe an army, men of valor, forces, strength, power, and might.


It is the same term used in Judges with the account of Gideon and the angel of the Lord in the winepress.


When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior. Judges 6:12


I can imagine Gideon not feeling very much like a “mighty warrior” as he was hiding in the winepress, out of sight from his enemies, threshing wheat. But that is how God saw Him. & that is how God sees you, O virtuous woman of Christ.

To be a God-fearing and virtuous mother means that you have strength. Courage. It means that you will not back down. It means that you have wisdom and might. It means that your family has faith in you and that you are a constant in their lives.

Chayil is also used to describe valor—great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.


Sometimes, motherhood is just that. A battle. And even at times.. “picking battles”. We battle with our kids. We battle with guilt and shame in ourselves for yelling at our kids or falling short daily. We battle with the world our children are growing up in. & we battle in the spiritual realm.

A Proverbs 31 woman sees the true battle for what it is. Spiritual. & she works aimlessly to equip her children for it. She knows the enemy wants her children, but she also knows the creator of life. She knows that, with the help of the Advocate, her children will be just fine if they walk the path to righteousness. The path is not an easy one, but God is greater and stronger and He sees the battle before it even starts. Our children are in good hands.

My idea of motherhood has been all summed up here. Motherhood is a call. A Call to arms. A call to raise our babies into Kingdom builders. Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. It is for a warrior. It is a call to take action in the most humbling way possible.

So I will enjoy these days as I hear little feet run up and down the hallway. I will (try to) rejoice when I stumble on a truck or a leggo (Don’t you hate those?). I will cherish these moments and try to take advantage of the time I have. Because before we know it, they will be teenagers and then grown men.

Just as I look at the children of my Pastors today, I pray that someone will one day see the love of God in mine. I pray that the love of God will shine through them and that they will bring light where darkness once lived. I pray that they will be mighty vessels of God and will come to know Him in the deepest, most personal way.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of my Warriors in Christ!



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